The Everlasting Gas Tank
April 8, 2011
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You know what drives passionate people? Their belief tank.
Yep, just made a car reference.
Their belief tank is on "F" (by that, I mean "full") all the time. It's full to the top, overflowing with joy and passion of what they believe in.
And do you know what kind of people suck? People that beat others down for an idea they offered.
You wanna know what I think? Too bad, here it is.
If someone has an idea, support them until it doesn't work. No matter who, no matter what their age. Older people, younger people, they can all have great ideas that are just as good, if not better, than what you've been doing.
It's true.
And those people, older or younger, could be the very world changers we need. These are the people that keep fighting when everyone else says "no." After being beat down, they get right back up.
This week come alongside a world changer. Come alongside someone who sees things differently than your old way. And then support that someone until they figure out that it can't work or until it becomes a success.
Either way, you're encouraging change, and allowing it to be OK to fail, every once in a while at least.