Christian AC P 12+
Report date: Feb 5, 2025 at 2:29 AM
Rank | Artist | Title | Pop (Fam) | Fam% | Burn% (Fam) |
- Pop (Fam): Popularity among users familiar with the song. Scores are based on a scale of 1-5 (1 = dislike a lot, 5 = like a lot)
- Fam%: The percentage of respondents who recognized the song
- Burn% (Fam): The percentage of respondents familiar with the song who are tired of hearing it
RateTheMusic (RTM) Internet-based music research is a leading indicator of what will eventually be shown by traditional callout research.
Typical RTM survey respondents are heavy radio listeners and active music consumers, passionate about music, whatever their favorite format/type of music. These music raters are the "leading edge" of the audience for all formats/types of music.
Thus, Familiarity will be seen sooner than possible for callout (weeks before a song has accumulated enough plays to be considered for testing via callout), and Burn will develop sooner as well. For these reasons, RTM recommends that, whenever possible, our Internet-based results be used in conjunction with traditional callout research, to balance the "leading edge" results with those of the "mass audience."
Each week, RTM tests the top 30 current songs in each format (top 20 songs for AC and Christian AC)
according to Mediabase's most recent published airplay charts. Research results for the top 10 songs
with 40% or greater Familiarity are posted on this site every Thursday and appear on MIS/Mediabase and To view results for all the songs, contact a Premiere rep to get access to
Mediabase for the full chart results. Weekly sample sizes vary based upon format
participation. RTM's databases are rigorously screened, based on gender, age, music preference, and