March 25, 2011
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
Always a fun time to see discussions begin between radio friends.
This time it's even better because it includes the government - and EVERYBODY has an opinion about the government.
"Our government does too much." "Our government does too little." Or "Our government should return to the roots of our forefathers." And those are just the mild comments I could list.
As Christians in radio, where should we stand in this? Should we even stand in this?
My thoughts (because I know you're DYING to know them) is that we should support NPR. But not in the deal they currently get.
Let's put them on a 5-year program, and with each passing year, they get less and less funding from the government until they are self-sustainable. If our country is based on commerce and entrepreneurship, then even government-funded programs should find a way to support themselves.
It's OK for the government to provide services to this country with start-up funding but once they get going, let them go. Let them get out in the ocean and swim on their own. Honestly I think our brains have been too conditioned to believe that the government is possible of entrepreneurship, and well....
And let's use us as the example: Isn't entrepreneurship how our own radio stations got started? Take notes, NPR.