Let's Hear It For Egypt!
February 11, 2011
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These past few weeks I've been watching the events unfold in Egypt. Have you?
And today, Friday, February 11, we saw the people triumph. President Hosni Mubarak stepped down. Wow.
The people wanted to see change and they marched for it. Peacefully. There was some opposition but they kept going. Peacefully.
But when the President came out and said that he would not be stepping down, the people were outraged. The voices rose in a roar. And one day later, President Mubarak did in fact step down.
What a moment in history as we watch the birth of a true democracy (hopefully) in Egypt. And what an example to us in the U.S., a land that prides itself on its democracy.
Is there something here that we can take away? Is there something here that you as an American citizen can learn? Is there something here that you as a community leader in radio can discuss with your listeners?
Locally, statewide or nationally, is there a cause for which you feel led to fight? And I'm not even talking hot button issues, but anything. Do you use the voice that you've been given to make a difference? Would you get out in the streets, literally or figuratively, and let your voice be heard?
Let's not forget what just happened in Egypt and before that in Tunisia. May they be examples of the very blessed life that we already enjoy here in the U.S. Find a cause and fight for it.