But What Do You Actually Know?
January 14, 2011
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I would venture to guess that anyone connected to a communication medium in America is also plugged into a social network. (I mean, if you're not, then first, under which rock are you living, and second, are you sure in the right business?)
Should my guess be accurate (uh, it is), I wonder how everyone is using those networks: purely personal, purely business, a mix of personal and business, one of each? And I wonder what information everyone shares via those networks: random musings, news, tech savvy, events, prayer requests, personal stories, or a mix of these?
My ultimate question (or concern) becomes: Can one be sharing a whole bunch of stuff but a whole lot of nothing?
We can all be social and we can all post stuff for family, friends, colleagues and listeners to see or read, but does any of it share any knowledge for which we are known? Does your station's Facebook page offer a specific set of knowledge to the listener? Does your Twitter account include a hodge-podge of randomness or does it speak to specific goals of the station for your audience?
Maybe you engage the listener in a comment but will they come back for more? Can they expect certain knowledge or inspiration from you or will it be hit-or-miss and not worth their time?
What do you actually know and what are you actually sharing? Find a persona and use it. Be a type of knowledge worth ingesting in a world of social media gluttony.