New Year, A New Problem
January 7, 2011
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If you ever gripe or complain, this post is for you.
And please don't flatter yourself so much that you think you don't fit this category.
You do. We all do. So let's approach a topic together.
We all whine about something, right? At least at some point in our lives, we whine or complain because we've been treated wrong or misjudged. Everyone loves to complain. It's like throwing a pity party. Seriously! You are inviting others into your deep pit of despair.
But guess what? No one wants to come. If you invited all your Facebook friends to an event of you complaining, guess how many people would come? Zero. And you'd have four "Not Coming" replies as well (that's right; I know you only have four Facebook friends).
So, how about this? Let's make a stand to do one of two things:
1. Let's whine about whiners.
2. Stop whining.
Really. What if everyone stopped whining? Now I'll admit, there are good things to whine about. Social injustice or unfair working conditions. But whining just to be heard is like touting about your brand new BMW you just bought; people can stand you for about 10 seconds and then they would like to pound you into the ground. Get the picture?
Stop complaining when it's unnecessary and unproductive. I guarantee people will like you more and the world will be a better place.