Content Directors: A Novel Concept
July 2, 2010
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Mark Ramsey recently wrote a great blog about content.
In it he interviews someone from Down Under. No, I don't mean a demon. He's an Aussie and is the content director for a station...
Wait. What? A Content Director?!?! What an amazing concept!
You mean, there is a station out there in the world that hires someone that oversees what the station creates and makes sure it is available to the masses?
I think we shhould make our music directors into content directors to facilitate making sure every ounce of great, on-air material is available on demand after it happens.
Why? Because that's all we have. The content makes you special. The interviews with artists, funny bits and phone calls give you a leg up on any other entertainment mediums.
So, do your best work but then put it on display for the world to hear and see.
If not, be prepared to get left in the dust.