Responding To Haiti
January 15, 2010
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How has your station responded to the earthquake and its aftermath in Haiti?
I can't imagine any of you answering, "Uh, we haven't." It's just what we as human beings first and Christians second (hopefully) do when such devastating things happens somewhere in the world.
There were the $10 text donations via Red Cross. I see emails and "tweets" from World Vision, Compassion, Soles4Souls, Convoy of Hope, etc. and how they are sending and delivering aid.
Still, I read a comment online today: "Haven't we already responded? With emergency aid from the government? It's called my taxes."
I don't know who the person was. I don't know that person's story. I hope that person truly isn't that callous. But it made me think. Yes, while it might be true that U.S. taxpayers are a part of that emergency aid already leaving our shores, does that stop us from giving more? I hope not. I hope we go beyond what's automatically done. I hope we make extra sacrifice for those who had very little and now have nothing.
So what are your stories? How did you give? Did you think twice or did you find a relief organization and send your money? Were you some of the ones that sent a text to the Red Cross? And how did you pray? How did you interact with your listeners this week? What are their stories?