How Can Ears Be Tired? They Just Sit There?
July 24, 2009
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A radio colleague recently started a thread on the PD Forum regarding tired ear syndrome and its remedy.
All of us have probably experienced this tired ear syndrome at some point in our music careers. Music is heard more than ever before and new music hammers our ears all the time.
But I don't think it's a case of having tired ears. I think it's a case of losing passion.
And how do I remedy this situation? Easy. I remember why I do what I do.
I find the passion in my heart that brought me to this industry: hearing great musicians make great music that will show others the glory of Christ.
Do you still have that passion? You might ask yourself that the next time you have tired ears. Do you still have the passion for what you're doing? Do you still have that drive that gets you up every morning to get the job done? Are you excited about the day as you drive into work?
Find the passion. Don't lose it. Those that do run down a path to self-destruction.
Billy -