The Best Way to Share Your Faith on the air
March 31, 2023
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In my opinion, to be truly effective, we have to share our faith in words we’d use with a good friend over a sandwich at lunch. If we come across as pushy, keep in mind that pushing often meets resistance. Here’s what works best:
Start with the Imaging. I hear a lot of stations that have solid air talent, but the Imaging is not inviting. And remember, your Imaging is on the air more than any member of your air staff. Craft it carefully. If it sounds too heavy-handed or unrealistic, that will work against you.
On air
One of the main things I coach is staying as conversational as possible, rather than “presenting” or “announcing” things. It’s been my experience over the last 27 years of coaching the CCM format that the “talking to each other while we have lunch” language wins people over and gets heard more.
A great CCM station shouldn’t sound like a tent revival. It should simply sound like people who are Christians sharing their lives and experiences.
Win me over. I’m a listener, not a congregation.