From Transaction to Transformation
August 26, 2022
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“What do I want from my listeners?" It's a simple question you ask when you start putting together goals heading into fundraising season. But there’s a problem with the question. I'm guessing your radio station's mission has nothing to do with getting anything from your listeners.
Your radio station is about giving, not taking. The feeling that you’re taking from people, like you’re being a burden, is what can make fundraising so hard. It’s easy to think you're having to abandon your mission and purpose for a week. But asking doesn't have to feel like taking.
You see, giving is joining.
Luke 12:34 - "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." They may not even realize it, but your listeners are giving you a piece of their heart when they give. That's a huge responsibility. Asking can’t just be taking. Imagine how it would feel to ask for a gift knowing that you are inviting that person into a journey that could fundamentally transform their life and relationship with God? Feels different right?
If you shift the question to, “What do I want FOR my listeners?” in your fundraising, where does that leave you?
- Fundraising must be ministry and not simply "revenue generation."
- You want your supporters to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- You don't seek donors, but partners in the Gospel. (Philippians 1:5)
- You want more to be credited to their account. (Philippians 4:17)
A gift reveals to you a person who has raised their hand. They're telling you they want to be involved in sharing hope and they're inviting you to serve them deeper, in new ways, and with more information. So how do you build a process that takes people from transaction to transformation?
How do you fundraise FOR your supporters?
The Mission Increase Foundation has a framework for transformational giving that offers incredible insight for us:
- Realize that financial giving is only one out of five categories for support.
- Create onramps across all five categories of support.
- Track them, thank them, and help them grow from one category to the others and deeper in each category.
The five categories of support are giving, praying, serving, sharing, and learning. When someone gives in one category you build a path for them to the other categories. When you steward your supporters across these categories they will grow in their prayer life, generosity, service, evangelism, and Bible study. That's a person who is growing closer to Jesus and closer to the heart and mission of your radio ministry!
Practically speaking here are some onramps to consider:
- Giving - Sharathon/Pledge Drive/Fundraiser etc.
- Praying - Web Prayer Page/Virtual Prayer Call - A place to share their prayer needs and then a place to pray for others when they get there.
- Serving - Phone Volunteer, Event Volunteer, Prayer Volunteer
- Sharing - Bumper sticker, invite a friend to a concert, invite a friend to listen, a contest that includes a friend.
- Learning - Music Team, Bible Study Small Group, Devotional, Contests and Events.
Each time a person takes an onramp where do you want them to go? What is the next one to invite them on? With this framework it’s not hard to imagine how a simple gift to your organization led your listener into a deeper prayer life, service life and devotional experience.
If you are fundraising FOR your listeners you’ll want them to take an onramp. It no longer feels like taking, it’s a powerful invitation into what could be a transformational experience. If you want them to stick around from transaction to transformation you have invite them into a journey that will take them deeper into your ministry, and most importantly, deeper with Jesus.