Look in the Mirror
April 29, 2022
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CCM stations often try to find their identity in what’s said to or said about them. They want to be perceived a certain way, then they want to hear that repeated back to them.
But that’s not a true representation. So look in the mirror – the “virtual” mirror. Examine your station from the perspective of a person hearing it for the first time. If what you “see” is PTL or Joel Osteen, you’re probably not a great radio station. Unlike those ministries, we should be genuinely Personal, totally relatable, and never “institutional” or oh-so-predictable in our sound.
As Jon Hamm’s “Mad Men” character Don Draper said, “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.”
Our conversation shouldn’t be about repeating a slogan. It should be about real people, including us, who have ups and downs, but their faith – that we all share – helps them persevere and see Hope at the end of the day.