Details vs. Story
November 19, 2021
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As the year comes to an end, I can almost hear you asking for a year-end gift.
Yes, business owners are thinking about tax breaks. Individuals are thinking about those too. But thinking that they are going to mindlessly give their money away to you without any kind of emotional attachment - well, that would be ignorant.
For some reason, when the year-end ask happens, everything we know about storytelling goes out the window. You believe that the decision to give becomes robotic, just because there’s added pressure to get the money out the door.
And while people might be thinking less about giving money away, no one just throws their money to a cause without an emotional attachment.
Especially considering the plethora of worthy causes.
Remember, real people with real emotions with attachments and biases are on the other side of your year-end ask.
So, before you start hounding them for money, just think about these things.
- Did you capture their heart?
- How will you make sure they remember the impact of their gift?
- Can they repeat your cause to their friends?
- Why would they choose you?
- Do you only contact them when you’re asking for money?
People aren’t robots. They make decisions based on emotion, even regarding year-end giving.