August 20, 2021
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As Haiti and Afghanistan dominate the news cycle. I’ve seen two primary responses.
The first is saturation in the negative news; fingers on the pulse of every breaking news update. Otherwise, you risk feeling unengaged.
The second is shutting it off entirely. There’s enough going on in your immediate world – you don’t need to add to the noise. Otherwise, you risk getting burnt out.
Either engagement or burnout. Those are your choices. (Or are they?)
As air talent, I feel those same two choices.
Either overload the show with related material because the story feels so massive. Or - and I think this is the more likely danger – ignore the topic entirely for the sake of being “encouraging.”
The difficulty is that there are elements of truth in both choices.
The story is important – it’s on people’s minds. I think it matters to the listener. It certainly does to God. But what’s also on people’s minds is back-to-school. And what they’ll make for dinner. Also, work, faith, relationships, money, you-name-it.
Choosing either/or is difficult. But what if you don’t have to choose either/or? What if there’s a third option?
I’d suggest that on both a personal and professional level, we need to embrace the and.
You pay attention to the news - and you know when to shut off your phone.
You focus on your own family’s needs - and you find ways to help in times of crisis.Similarly, air talent needs to find ways to talk about the “big things” - and how to pivot and give people a break from negativity. We’re here to lift people’s spirits - and speak life in dark places.
Don’t become news talk. But please don’t become disconnected, either.
Mind your branding. Find the angle.Embrace the and.