How to Lose at Marketing
July 16, 2021
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You put effort into a social media post… only for it to not get any action. You write an article only for people to pass over it to read something else. You email but they never open it.
Yes, it’s probably your fault. But don’t worry, there’s something you can do about it.
While there are many people who will tell you how to win at marketing, I want to explain how you’ll lose.
1. Never exclude anyone, instead, try to cater to every single person on the planet.
We have a tendency to want to include people. It feels wrong to leave anyone out. But when you include everyone in your marketing you’ll fail to truly connect with the customer you really want. You know, the customer who will stay loyal to you through thick and thin.
If Patagonia said they sold activewear for anyone and everyone, would that make their gear appealing to you? Or are you interested in their brand because they make gear for true outdoor junkies?
Southwest Airlines isn’t talking to the elite traveler who loves their first class seat. Southwest is excluding them.
2. Create only content you are 100% sure will work.
The content you thought wouldn’t work, will probably be the piece that ends up going viral.
Know your audience, but don’t be afraid to make content that is outside of the box.
If you live in a world where every single piece of content has to produce X amount of results, you’re probably micromanaging your creative people and eventually they’ll burn out and not be able to produce anything interesting.
Take off the shackles and give them the freedom to test.
3. Don’t think about the mindset of your customer. Because, after all, you are trying to reach everyone.
If you don’t ever stop to think about your customer and their daily life then you’ll fall into the habit of marketing to your own worldview - and that’s often a mistake.
Write out what your customer goes through in one day.
How do they feel when they wake up? What’s on their mind? What struggles can you help them solve?
Who are the people that influence them?
What shows do they watch?
What do they believe about the world right now?
Insight into their world will help you talk to them and help them solve the problems they are facing everyday.
4. Whatever you do, don’t tell your origin story
You turn on the television and look for something that has no heart to it. “Please, no more stories!” “Can’t I just watch something that doesn’t make me feel anything?” “Hollywood really needs to stop making heartfelt movies with stories I remember!”
It sounds ridiculous. So why is it that you think your own company story isn’t worth re-telling on a regular basis?
We love stories. We love hearing about obstacles. We love hearing about failure to success. We love hearing about why you’re passionate. We love knowing why you started.
If Hollywood stops telling stories, then you have my permission to quit repeating yours. Otherwise, tell your story to your audience until they can repeat it to a friend.
5. Tell them all the details
Rock Climbing Adventure Park:
- 42” inch rope equipped to carry heavy weight
- Standard design pulleys
- Safety checked daily
- Carabiners available in multiple colors
Will you remember these details? Probably not. While details matter, they usually aren’t the first reason someone will be looking at your product or company.
Tell us the result if we choose you.
Tell us how you solve our problem
Tell us why
Then, tell us the details after.If you want to win at marketing, you’ll have to do a lot more than read this article. All I’m trying to do is help you make sure you know how to lose.
If you know how to lose, you’ll be well on your way to learning how to win.