April 23, 2021
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For most radio stations, it overwhelmingly comes down to community impact and hitting home runs for Jesus!
For a powerful exercise with your team try this. Listen to a sample of your station’s best work. In some cases it may take you hours of audio to come up with the best 15 minutes to highlight your best work together as a team.
The point of the exercise is this…your radio station hits home runs a lot and if you go into your audio folders it’s easy to pick them out.
But, what if your audio sample could only come from yesterday’s broadcast? What if you were not able to cherry pick? Would there be enough home runs for the win?
My guess would be yes, but is there enough happening consistently to win? Why not strive to make every day the quality of that 15 minute presentation?
Now, please don’t get me wrong. Even the best hitters won’t hit a home run every time! In fact they strike out more than anybody else on the team. This is more about a mindset to do your best work for your listeners each and every day!
Winning is intentional and it takes a lot of practice and yes even a lot of strike outs. Let’s take each day and swing for the bleachers and over time you’ll hit more home runs for Jesus; together we will win this race!!
1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but [only] one receives the prize? So run [your race] that you may lay hold [of the prize] and make it yours. -