The NEXT Coat of Paint
October 30, 2020
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"Golf tips are like aspirin. One may do you good. But if you swallow the whole bottle you will be lucky to survive.” Harvey Penick, Legendary Golf Coach
Talent coaching is much like golf instruction (or ANY tutoring).
It’s a process without a destination. You’re always learning.
You can apply this basic coaching tactic to air talent, sales executives, or leadership.
It’s one step at a time.
Another view--after his horse Street Sense won the 2007 Kentucky Derby, trainer Carl Nafzger offered this on getting the American Thoroughbred ready:
"Training is like painting a wall. You've got to be patient. If you put that second coat on too early, you'll mess it up."
When you rush the process, you ‘mess it up.’
In a horse race, we see the two minutes of – NOT the hours invested on training.
Hearing great genius in two minutes on-air is much like the two minutes at Churchill Downs.
We only hear the end product, not the guidance and work ethic to create lean-forward content.
When coaching your talent, take one critical issue at a time.
Throwing several items in mass to address only confuses the result – a reverse domino effect.
If you’ve suffered through a golf lesson, you know this.
You will have the gratification of witnessing the true growth in baby steps.
You, yourself, might even grow.