Open Reply To Mandisa’s CCM Radio Letter, from JOY FM and BOOST RADIO
July 31, 2020
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Fellow Christian Radio Programmers,
Maybe you saw Mandisa’s recent letter and video to CCM stations. She called on us to seize the moment our nation is in by adding more diversity to our playlists. “Because I believe that God is doing a new thing, I want to implore you to leverage the influence you have in your community. I want to ask you to take steps to bring unity to our industry through diversity.” JOY FM and BOOST RADIO in St. Louis couldn’t agree more with Mandisa. We’re inviting our peers to join us by creating vibrant outlets that better reflect our communities, and most importantly, God’s kingdom.
As we write this letter, there are two songs on the Christian AC chart fronted by people of color. Two out of 30. If we really believe part of why we’re here is to bring slices of Heaven to Earth, we have some work to do when it comes to representing a cross section of who we’ll see in Heaven.
You’ve likely been in a situation where you thought you were the only ____ in the room. The only Christian. The only woman. The only Doctor Who fan. But then you came across somebody like you. Suddenly, you were likely more at ease. Felt more like you belonged. There’s power in feeling “seen" you can give to people of color in your audience and market.
It’s easy to cite ratings and research as reasons to maintain the status quo. It’s doubtful God will hold us accountable for how tight we kept our libraries or how many tenths of a point we increased our market shares. Though it’s possible we can diversify AND maintain best practices. Being a good steward of the signals God has trusted us with goes beyond the metrics our industry measures success by. (Matthew 6:33. “Seek first the kingdom of God…”)
To our label friends, keep seeking out, signing, and sending us a colorful array of artists and sounds. To our radio friends, this isn’t a call to abandon our format. This is a chance for us to elevate it.
May Revelation 7:9 inspire us. “A great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne…” No other format on the dial is in the position ours is in to bring that passage to life, now.
Thank you for your time and partnership,
-- The programming team at JOY FM and BOOST RADIO in St. Louis, MO -