Tommy Kramer CCM Tip #90 – Rethinking Fundraisers During COVID-19
May 1, 2020
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Many CCM stations are faced with a dilemma right now: do we do our pledge drive now, or wait a little while until the Coronavirus thing settles down?
Consider that you probably lose about a third of your audience during a pledge drive. And it takes around two months to fully get them back. (Do the math on how many fundraisers you can do and still have listeners. CUME matters, because it gives you more people to contribute.)
Face it, pledge drives are a drag on the air. They’re boring, repetitive, “one trick pony” in terms of Content, and the air staff probably dreads them.
So consider this: do your fundraiser NOW – asap, and let listeners know that you’ll give a percentage of the money you raise (I recommend 20%) to something like buying PPE equipment for a local hospital, or supplies for a local food bank. Tying into THE #1 subject on Earth right now, and partnering to help, will probably result in people actually giving MORE than they might ordinarily do. And it gives a better purpose to the fundraiser, because it’s about more than just YOU.
Tommy Kramer
Radio Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (iPhone)
e-mail: coachtommykramer@gmail.com
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
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