Get Momentum (Even If You're Not Going)
August 23, 2019
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. Wisdom and unique insight from new leaders and veteran voices of the CCM radio and record community.
The format's most talked about, most attended conference is almost here! Does the thought of CMB's Momentum excite you? Terrify you? A little of each? Despite my introversion, bumping into 800 like-minded souls is a highlight of my year. I'm saying this to you as the same guy who wanted to go back to mainstream radio after my very first GMA week quite a few years ago. I hope my transformation from dreading these events to craving them might help you, even if you're not in Orlando.
Here are my random things to know and/or consider!
- "Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about." Source: internet memes. Honestly, you're going to meet some weirdos at Momentum. If you don't, YOU are the weirdo! Kidding(ish). You will encounter people who have it all together and you want to be like when you grow up. You will see others who would be the least popular kids in a homeschool graduating class of one. Both types of people -and all of us in between-are loved by God. Let's treat them as if songs like "You Say" and "God's Not Done With You" are written for them as much as for ourselves.
- It's OK to look at my name badge. You might know the running joke at these gatherings is that people steal glances at your lanyard to see if you're worth talking to. The moment they spot somebody more "important," off they go. Sure, it happens, and the motivations are perhaps shallow or self-serving. Not always. Consider...
- Some of us are terrible with names. It doesn't mean I am self-involved or you don't matter. It simply means we haven't seen each other in a year (or more...or ever), or you got a new hairdo, or you lost some weight. Perhaps embraced the trans lifestyle (TransFAT, that is). As a name badge glancer, I feel awful if I should know your name and I don't. But I'm looking anyhow. Only at your badge. Then my eyes are back up.
- Your name might be known, but maybe I forgot where you're from. Or you could have moved since I last knew your whereabouts. This is radio, after all!
- Go ahead and judge me on this: what if I AM looking for a specific person? For many of us, Momentum is one rare chance to make connections outside of our markets. My boss and my donors graciously fund my trips to events like this so I will build relationships and bring home knowledge to make my station stronger. My antenna is up for certain folks while I'm at these conventions. Certainly though, we can handle how we move on from a conversation with grace and tact. In body language, words, and where our eyes are focused.
- Be intentional, in advance. I can't count how many times I've been on one end or the other of a convo that goes like
"Hey, you gonna be at Momentum?"
"Yes! We should hang out!"
"We totally should! See you there!"
Next thing you know, it's Sunday after Momentum and the person from that convo is posting Instagram selfies of their plane ride home. Before your flight to Orlando, shoot an email/text/whatever to priority people. Lock in a time, if possible. Bribe them with ice cream or other libations, when necessary. - Turn on your brain. Wouldn't it be nice if we came back from Momentum with fool-proof, easy-to-implement steps that made us instantly more effective? If wishing made it so. After a presentation last year, I overhead one PD say "this goes against what they told us a year ago! I don't know what to do. Were they right a year ago, or are they right NOW?" "They," in this person's mind being Christian Music Broadcasters (the folks who make Momentum happen). After talking to this person, I learned they truly expect CMB events to tell them what to do, and they were genuinely confused that one CMB event could contradict another. As if CMB was as unwavering as God. Being a member of the Momentum planning team, nothing could be further from the truth. (But if you want to do whatever I tell you, see item #3 above. Let's talk!)
Here's a peak behind the curtain:- CMB is nothing more than a collection of your peers. Christian Music Broadcasters isn't a single-minded, monolithic organization. It's you. It's me. A wise person once said "where two or more are gathered, there will be differing opinions."
- The above concept also applies to the Momentum planning team. Each person's journey and experience intentionally brings a variety of ideas to place in front of you. It's your job to pray for wisdom and discernment. Not everything presented at Momentum will be right for you right now. Take notes anyhow. You never know what the future holds.
- Times change. We're one season away from 2020! What made sense in 2010, or last week, may be the exact thing holding you back from greater impact next year.
- God is infallible. Not every presenter at Momentum will be. Think critically. Be open-minded. Ask questions. Be a humble human.
- Follow from afar. If you can't make it, watch CMB's social media. Follow the event's hashtags. Have colleagues take great notes for you. Ask them to seek out knowledge you need, if they're able. Live vicariously through as many of us as you can!
Not every radio format is healthy enough for gatherings like Momentum. God is going to be working during the convention! (Me, not so much. Don't tell my boss.) Relish whatever happens, and bring it home for the benefit of your whole team and community.