Communicating Christ Without the Cheese!
June 14, 2019
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There's a lot of different styles of communication in Christian radio. We have those that lean toward preaching, we have those that want to let the music be the message, we have those that focus on encouragement, and we have personalities that live life from a Bible centered worldview.
How do we communicate Christ to a culture that thinks it already knows all about Jesus?
We tell stories. We reflect his light. We share our heart. We invite people into community and we intentionally encourage.
God's word does not return void. Rethink the content that you're putting into your showprep this week! Intentionally frame the stories with heart, characters and encouragement.
Fame the heart of the artists you play. Tell stories with a point. Actually listen to the words in the music you're playing.
Think about what a Christ centered world view actually is. Share what you're learning. Share what you've been reading.
Choose to be an encourager. Think about how your pastor does sermon illustrations. He generally starts with a story that relates to someone in his audience and he brings out a spiritual truth that's related to it.
Showcase the heart of the artist! Ask callers or artists what they are learning, what they are reading & what their thought process is in raising kids in this crazy world. Encourage them to share how God's truth has been transforming their life.
Quote the people of the Bible directly. Instead of saying, "The Bible says..." or reading off a long verse and reference, try this to make it more personal to someone who doesn't know much about the Bible:
"Paul explained grace in Romans 8; He said, "if God is for us, who can be against us..."
"When King David wrote Psalm 119, he said..."
"In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he explained..."
"Jesus explained the difference between work and grace in Matthew 5. He said..."
"King Solomon wrote a memoir at the end of his life called Ecclesiastes. I love how he reminds us there are always seasons that change..."
When you want to communicate God's truth in your show, lead with encouragement. Speak to who your listener can become with a personal relationship with Jesus. Speak to the unique giftings, talents and raw potential you see. You've been given a circle of influence, so intentionally speak life into those people and they will come back tomorrow even if they don't know Jesus...yet.