Frost Advisory #355--A Programming Lesson From Opening Day
April 7, 2017
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by John Frost, Goodratings Strategic Service.
Baseball fans get mushy about this kind of thing. "Why Time Begins on Opening Day" is actually the actual name of a actual baseball book. Best seller, don'tchaknow.
It's that 'winter is over' thing. It's that 'hope springs eternal' thing. It's that 'we're all young again' thing.
"You look forward to it like a birthday party when you're a kid. You think something wonderful is going to happen." Joe DiMaggio
There is a programming lesson for us here.
Ballparks on Opening Day are filled with people who may not attend another game all season. The ceremonies include the introduction of players, the first pitch by a local politician, and a humongous American flag held up by the Boy Scouts or Junior ROTC. In other words, one doesn't have to know anything about baseball to have a splendid time.
Today is Opening Day for your station-for someone. Most listeners don't know anymore about your station as those Opening Day fans know about the ballplayers.
Andy Stanley poses three ideas that I think every radio station should ponder:
Assume guests are in the room.
What do they hear?
What do they experience?
My friend Brant Hansen thinks about stuff like this. That's why he's created a video and online guide for new listeners. He wants to make it easier for a new listener to become a fan.
Time may begin on Opening Day, but what teams really want is for fans to come back again and again.