CCM Coaching Tip #31: Post-Christmas Tip
December 9, 2016
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by Tommy Kramer, KramerMedia.net
This is a fertile time of year for our format. We can talk about Christmas in a way that no other format CAN.
And generally, I think we do a good job of reflecting all the things that go into our individual Christmas activity - shopping, decorating the tree, holiday baking, traveling or having guests for the holidays, etc.
Strangely, though, there's a big hole in most jocks' process: No follow-up. It's like telling a story with a beginning and a middle, but no ending.
Remember, that first show back AFTER Christmas is when you should give us (the listeners) a report on how it went: Uncle Edgar falling asleep in your favorite chair with one of his stinky cigars in his mouth, cousin Ricky eating about half of the turkey all by himself, how the rolls your Aunt Ruby made from scratch were soggy in the middle and tasted like toothpaste, or your grandmother knitting a sweater for you, but the neck hole was about right for when you were 9, and you're 38 now.
People will probably call you and tell you how THEIR Christmas went. But in any case, we need to hear your "recap" so we can compare your Christmas to ours.
Oh, and you should be thinking right now about what video of your family's Christmas you'll want to post on your station website and social media, too.