CCM Coaching Tip #20: Thoughts vs. Feelings
July 8, 2016
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by Tommy Kramer, Kramer Media
Everybody has an Opinion, and that's fine. Part of the mix in your show should be what your thoughts are on a given subject.
But there's another ingredient: What you FEEL.
For example, I can give you an analysis of the Presidential race, no problem. Whose strategy was flawed from the beginning, who's leading the polls, what the main issues are. But that's just "left brain" information. It has its place, but it doesn't give the listener much (if anything) to reflect on, or compare his or her feelings to. It's a one-way conversation.
Some people think that thoughts and feelings are the same things, but they're not. Thoughts are defined as "the product of mental activity."
Feelings, however, are "right brain" in origin. For our purposes, they're defined as "the general state of consciousness considered INDEPENDENTLY of particular sensations, thoughts, etc."
I had an acquaintance once in college who considered himself to be an "intellectual", and one day he told me that if you developed your mind and saw things analytically, any event could be overcome with logic.
I answered, "Really? Call me when your mom dies."
Because what you Think and what you Feel can be vastly different things.
I don't want to just know what you think. Anyone can give an opinion. I want to know how you FEEL. A great show has both, but feelings are essential.