Are You Ready For Plan B?
September 4, 2015
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by Janet Scott, Chocolate & God
God has BEEN ready!
Genesis 21:6 And Sarah said, "God hath made me to laugh so that all that hear will laugh with me."
Sarah laughed because the miracle that God performed in her was so unbelievably out of the norm and she was just so happy! God gave her the child she had waited for all her life after she had gone through menopause. She was old and beyond thinking about it anymore, I am sure. She probably figured since she had messed up and gave her maid Hagar to Abraham to have a child with that there was no hope of God's blessing, the odds were all against her in her mind! She had sinned and hadn't waited on God and took things into her own hands (which one of us ladies haven't done at least some of that?) so her hope of blessing was suppressed by the lies of Satan telling her that it would never happen now.
I've been there, where I just thought I have made too many mistakes, it will never happen now. I knew I was suppose to do something for God, but figured he had given up on me. God never gives up and He always has plan B just waiting for you when you are ready to move forward with His plan! Sometimes we take a detour or get impatient, but God's plans and blessings are still there! It just might take a little longer because of the route we have chosen to get there.
In Joshua chapter 1 verse 3 God tells Joshua that He will give him every piece of land he sets foot on. How much has God already given you that you are afraid to take. What has God called you to do that you feel you are no longer qualified to do? Is there a blessing you have prayed and prayed for and you have stopped because you gave up hope? In Genesis 18:14 when God told Abraham that Sarah would have a child she laughed then too (Sarah obviously loved to laugh because she seemed to do it all the time)and God's response was, "Is anything too hard for the Lord"? No matter what it is that you are thinking about right now that has a hold of your heart, do you really think it is too hard for the Lord?
I would encourage you today to start again, whatever it is; a prayer for something or someone you gave up on, something you felt you were suppose to do for God with your life or whatever it might be. Don't give up now, the best is yet to come!
Quote: "Some people drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle." Anonymous