How Good Of A Listener Are You?
August 14, 2015
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Interesting thing happened as I was driving last week. An old friend came to mind that I haven't seen or talked to for over 10 years. And the strong thought followed that I should call him. Since I was headed to an appointment and didn't really have time to talk, I told myself I'd call him later. But for some reason, I couldn't let it go.
So I called, and he answered. I could tell he was surprised to hear my voice. I asked him if I'd caught him at a bad time. And he said, "no, I've been trying to figure out for the last week how to get ahold of you."
He then told me he's been diagnosed with prostate cancer, that it's extremely enlarged, and the doctors are very concerned. He had just finished an MRI when I called.
Strange coincidence, huh?
The Docs are determining the proper course of treatment to recommend, and of course he is anxious. He lost his wife about 8 years ago and he doesn't want their 3 boys to lose their dad, too.
When you think of it, would you remember Rick in your prayers? I told him we'd be praying. He's a giant of a man with a gentle spirit and a love for God.
This episode served as a reminder to me that I need to be a better listener. Wonder how many of these divine calls I've missed because I was too busy, preoccupied or focused on myself?
Lord, let Rick know You're near him right now. And heal him in Jesus name.