Why Are You Here? Let Your Purpose Be Your Guide
January 16, 2015
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by Jack Eason, The HeartShare Group
Why does your organization exist? Have you thought about it? Do you know why? Better yet, if you do, does your team know why? Have you expressed it in a concise statement? If you asked your team, would they echo that statement?
I see it everywhere. Teams that are committed to the cause know WHY the organization they are a part of exists. Keeping the reason you exist in front of you is very important. Why should you continue to state and remind your team of your organization's purpose?
Here are four quick reasons:
- It maintains focus. In our media saturated society and our non-stop busyness, it's harder than ever to keep focus. Knowing why the organization exists will help us focus on the tasks at hand.
- It will allow us to say NO. If our ideas, what we plan to say on the air, the theme of our morning show, a side project-if they don't support the MISSION of the organization, we can say NO to them.
- It builds enthusiasm. When the team is focused on the goal, the synergy that comes creates excitement and enthusiasm.
- It helps us measure what we are doing. How do you know if you are being successful? Is the mission being achieved? If not, perhaps your team needs to be reminded of the mission, WHY you exist.
(Editors note: Jack and his team are a part of over 80 ministry events a year consulting, raising money, helping with programming, and helping organizations connect with donors, while staying focused on their vision.)