Happy Good Friday
April 18, 2014
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By Mark Giles
All AccessToday is Good Friday. I used to wonder why they call it that? What's good about a man being put to death by prolonged strangulation and blood loss? Using that logic, I guess a root canal without Novocain would be ecstatic Wednesday? But there must be a reason.......or else it would be called something else entirely. So I checked it out.
What I discovered is that it's not referred to as GOOD because of the death of that innocent Man, but rather because of the GIFT from His Father. The Father gave the most precious of gifts, His only Son. And that's GOOD for us, because we didn't have a way to get to know the Father without that gift.
But it's not just left there. If the Dad merely stood quietly while his Son was killed, and that was that...then THAT wouldn't be very much help to us, now would it? There are lots of graves and tombs across the world filled with dead heroes, teachers, mentors, leaders, philosophers, martyrs, friends and patriots. But none of them can get me an audience with the Creator. So there has to be more.
Remember why we celebrate Easter Sunday? Contrary to popular belief, it's not because of Cadbury Eggs, Peeps, Jolly Ranchers Jelly Beans or Russell Stover Chocolate Bunnies (although I must admit I'm a huge fan of all of those...and becoming huger by the moment, I'm afraid). We actually celebrate the early sunrise on Easter Sunday because there isn't anyone remaining in the tomb of the Son. He actually came back to life after being dead for three days. He was seen walking, eating, talking & living by hundreds of people. And then, if that's not enough, He was witnessed by friends as He returned to Heaven. He was reunited with His Father, the Creator, the gift Giver.
So that's why we call it Good Friday. It's because we know that Sunday's coming!
As Carlos Whittaker (author of Moment Maker) said following his leading worship at the White House this week...yes, THAT White House, "These were my table mates at breakfast on Monday. Each of us have different "jobs" with different responsibilities. An author, a pastor, a homeschool mother, a president, a health care advocate, a priest, ect. This amazing thing is, regardless of influence or prestige, Good Friday covers all of us. Jesus spilled His blood with relentless love for everyone at this table and everyone reading this post and everyone in every corner of the world...regardless of title. So today, do what God has called YOU to do in the freedom that TODAY'S sacrifice has given us all."