It's A Small World, After All---Thoughts Following CMB
September 13, 2013
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By John Frost
Goodratings Strategic ServiceIt's been a remarkable few days at Walt Disney World in Orlando gathering, chatting, engaging, enjoying our Central Florida humidity and the daily running for cover at the 4pm downpour. Thanks to my friends Chris Lemke, Michelle Younkman, Jason Sharp, Lori Cline, Beth Bacall and all the CMB staff and volunteers for their hard work and dedication. Nothing happens by accident.
Here are some highlights to stimulate your thinking:
"Everything rises and falls on leadership – always has, always will". Pat Williams
"Communicate as much as you can with your associates. The more you communicate, the more they care and the more they care, the more they are unstoppable." Sam Walton
"I think we all have to be real careful not to wrap God around our dreams and expectations for our life because when those dreams and expectations crumble, as they will, sometimes our faith will go with them". Pete Wilson from "Keep The Faith"
"Love everybody, and do it out loud". – Coach Eddie Robinson
"It's not about advancing your career, it's about advancing others careers." Pat Williams
"If the message of the church is for everybody, then the culture of the church shouldn't exclude anybody" – Andy Stanley
"We quickly move beyond our pay grade when we begin saying, 'okay, there is a God but He has to do what I want Him to do. He has to fit my expectations. Is it possible that the Scriptures are true when they say there there is a God, He loves us, and He is using us to prepare us for the next life. Max Lucado from "Keep The Faith"
"We're all storytellers we all live in a network of stories. There is a stronger connection between people than storytelling." Jimmy Newton.
"sometime, when the team is up against it -- and the breaks are beating the boys -- tell them to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper...Knute Rockne
"First music broadcast was to shepherds... Angels sang, God delivered a message to shepherds." Bob Coy
"The crazy thing is that digital has enhanced traditional media, not killed it." Jay Frank
"You would never dream of not broadcasting with your antenna down, see social media the same way to grow your audience. They are opting in and showing a connection with a brand because it's an expression of themselves." Jacquelyn Bullerman, Arbitron
"Move from being a radio station to a trusted life partner."
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Jesus finishes the stuff we start but you gotta start!" Bob Goff
"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" President Ronald Reagan
"Think about someone in your life who is truly remarkable... someone who has come through an incredibly difficult circumstance and emerged better... not bitter." Dan Wilt of "Keep The Faith"
"Excellence Transcends Barriers" John Frost
"Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth." Lou Gehrig
"Can you get me something to eat?" Alan Mason
"The pickier you are with your words - the greater the impact." Bob Goff
"At the end of the day Christian Broadcasters are really teachers. Coaching is really teaching". Pat Williams
"I'm driving my mother's car." Doug Hannah
"Don't make people feel unwelcome if they are not a member of the club. Be gentle with people and just be kind. And let the goodness of God that He's put in you come out. That'll do more than preaching." Nelson, 104.1 The Fish in Portland, Oregon
"Everything rises and falls on leadership – always has, always will". Pat Williams
Thanks to my brilliant friend Dwight Bain for his inexhaustible note taking and Twittering.
Thanks to everyone for striving for excellence!