Listener Supported Radio
October 12, 2012
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
I've come in contact with over 20 stations recently who are in the middle of annual fundraising efforts.
This is the time of year when they ask their listeners to pitch in and help pay the bills for the radio station.
This is different than a commercial station, where advertisers buy time and the station works to make a profit.
Listener supported stations rely on the faithfulness of their audience to make donations.
And if the support doesn't come in, something has to give.Layoffs. Missed payments. Broken equipment. Paychecks that can't be cashed.
The monthly donations from listeners are the life-blood of these types of stations.
And some that I've run into lately are NOT meeting their fundraising goals.
They are fighting, it would seem, just to keep the doors open.
Yet, many that I know of are thriving, succeeding, meeting their goals, and growing.This has caused me to wonder, what methods do you use to raise the necessary funds for your station or network?
Has what you are doing changed from years past? Have you adjusted, or changed strategies & tactics?
What advice would you give stations who are not meeting their fundraising goals, and are struggling to make ends meet?
Would you share some tips for us to digest and discuss?
Speak up, please....share your wisdom and questions below, so we can begin the discourse. -