August 24, 2012
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I Had an interesting discussion with a friend today about us.
Collectively, the"us" commonly referred to as "Christians".
And how the world often views us as a bunch of entitled, bitter, arrogant, phony, posers.My friend invited one of his buddies to church.
And his friend said, "no thanks....I've seen enough of that Jesus stuff.
You can have that."
So very sad.To think that our collective approval rating is not nearly what we might think it to be.
And, to realize that we could begin to fix that on a case by case basis by evoking one simple gesture.
Not widespread financial charity, or a missions trip, or an evangelistic rally, or a public baptism.
But kindness.
Simple, everyday, kindness.Artists who have just led worship on stage could be kind to the stage hand as they walk off, instead of saying "get out of my way".
Recently, an A level artist left me apologizing to the dissed stage hand.
I was the one explaining that the artist was tired, didn't mean it, etc.
And I could see in the eyes of the worker, the very clear message.
I'm tired too. But I'm being kind to you.
KINDNESS.Regardless of our position of power, or influence, or wealth, or standing in the community.
We can choose to be kind.
And if we do, we just might change someone's opinion about the kindest Person to ever walk the earth.
Is it really that difficult for us to be kind?
If so, we may need to take an even deeper inventory. -