Heat Wave
July 13, 2012
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It's been hot. We get it. No need to keep telling everyone. Let's get back to business as usual and just stop complaining.
Or is it more than just the heat?
Why do we complain? I'd say it's because of an injustice that has been leveled against us. And we use it as a crutch.
"I'll never get that promotion because..."
"I'll never be as smart as..."
"We'll never be #1 in our market!"
Blah, blah, blah.
If it was up to me, I'd get rid of every Negative Nancy there is out there. Get out of my way. I have things to do rather than listen to you gripe. And if it's really THAT bad, then get out there and do something about it.
That's the ticket right there. Tell people to do something about it. Motivate them to change their situation. If they get moving, then great! If they don't, time to get their butt to the curb and move on with out.
Let me start... Dear compulsive complainers, STOP IT!