Do You Respond?
March 16, 2012
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
So, this week there was some hubbub surrounding a blog post from some rather obscure songwriter. I don't even remember here name now.
She posted a blog about how Christian radio isn't really Christian, how all the songs are watered-down feel-good songs that don't encounter the real and potent gospel of Christ.
I read her blog and I kind of understood her point or her angle. But at the same time, I thought she was not being fair.
One thing she wanted were songs that proclaimed Christ and the gospel and to be based on doctrine. Yes, we do need songs that are based on sound doctrine and do proclaim Christ. For me though, the question then becomes whose doctrine? Because hopefully we all ascribe to the same basics but between the groups of us Christians, there are going to be some differences in doctrine. So, who decides which one is right or best?
Setting that question aside, I think there are plenty of songs that do that.
I would also say that the so called "feel good" songs that employ more use of "me" than "Jesus" aren't all bad. You have to admit, that even the more "me" focused Christian song is probably more healthy for the soul than the "me" focused mainstream song playing on your neighboring station.
It was interesting to read through some of the comments after the blog. There was a mix of responses. And as much as I wanted to dive into the fray to defend both sides of the argument, it just didn't seem worthwhile to me. First of all, I just didn't have the time to formulate a response and second, how many people are actually reading her blog.
What would you have done? Respond or not?