Who Finishes Last?
February 10, 2012
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Who finishes last?
Nice guys have been told that it's them for YEARS. They're naive, gullible, and, at times, inexperienced. They think the world is a nice place. They assume all people will treat them nice. Most of all, they trust.
Does this make everyone else "mean guys"? I don't think so. There's definitely a third category for those who just move along at status quo. They sit back. They make noise when need be, but they don't always offer innovative ideas.
Mean people? They suck. (Or at least there are some people who think they suck. I might or might not be one of those.) You know a mean guy. The guy (or gal, we don't want to be sexist here) who will do anything to be on top. The guy/gal that waits for no one to tell them what to do. No holds barred. Where all weapons are fair game except the one that the mean guy is using.
Stop and think about what the world would be like with more mean guys. For everyone's sake, I hope for more nice guys. Maybe business won't move forward as fast, but at least we might all get along a little bit better.
Which one are you? Nice, mean, or neutral? How do other people see you?