Time For Another Resolution Of Which You Won't Follow Through
January 6, 2012
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Resolutions. Who needs 'em? That's what I say.
Seriously, do you know anyone who made a resolution and kept it in 2011? (If you do know someone, pipe down; I wasn't talking to you.)
It happens every year. "I'm going to work out more." "I'm going to eat less." "I'm going to watch Biggest Loser while I workout instead of eating a big bowl of ice cream."
Ok, maybe that last one isn't you (and I'm not saying it's me). But you get what I'm saying, right?
This year don't make resolutions. Just avoid the traditional urge and don't make any.
Instead, make a plan that builds throughout the year so that by the end of the year, you're where you want to be. But please, don't call it a resolution.
Did you know that many people never accomplish what they want in life because they believe that if they just tell others what they want to do, they have halfway accomplished it? Crazy, right?!
Don't make a resolution. Make a plan. And ask someone to keep you accountable.
Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Or something smart like that.