'Tis the season to be grumpy // Fa la la la la la la la la la
December 2, 2011
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Yep, Christmas has that affect on people. We turn into Scrooges. People that hate life and hate Christmas.
Why is that?
Perhaps they forget how to quote our favorite Christian Christmas cliche: "He's the reason for the season!"
Or maybe they spend more money than they make on Christmas gifts?
Either way, we need to find a way to get those people out of their funk.
Much like your station.
Get out of the funk; be it a Christmas funk or a year-round funk. Quit following the status quo. Do something that surprises even you.
And you need to especially try this when you're in the biggest rut of your working life. Because the more you do that, I bet the happier you'll be.
What is that you ask? "You mean, I can be happy at my workplace?"
Yep, and you deserve it but only if you try. Because people that don't try, suck, so don't be those people.