Take That, You Big Bad Label
October 7, 2011
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The GMA Board of Directors made a move this week to change the Dove Awards voting process.
Now whatever in the world brought about this change, I wonder?
After all the years of crying "Foul!" to block voting (or supposed block voting), did the GMA finally make an attempt to even the playing field (or voting field, you might say)? There were more rumors and suspicions flying about this past Dove Awards season (I admit, I did take part) than I have ever heard in the past. I guess the GMA figured now was a good time for a change, perhaps to better its public image, since they've not been looking that great in recent years.
When I saw the headline, I thought that maybe they were moving to more fan-based voting or some such nuisance. But alas, they have just decided to limit the number of votes that record companies can have and change to a new counting method to keep the award program relevant and moving forward.
My take: Narrowing the number of final nominees (from 7 to 5) does focus votes in a certain direction, rather than spreading them out. OK, that's fine. Limiting the number of record company votes to 75, that takes care of your block voting with companies that have more professional members. That becomes a wash of sorts.
But the Borda count? Suddenly we are in the world of NCAA sports. How often do you hear moans and groans when the new polls are released after a weekend of college football or basketball? And it seems like more work on the part of the voter. And manipulation of votes will still happen.
I don't know. I'm not privy to the discussion behind the closed GMA boardroom doors. But this just seems silly.
Honestly, I don't really even care about the Dove Awards anymore. And that's the exact attitude that the GMA is trying to reverse.
Sorry, GMA, this was interesting to talk about for a week but next week, I won't care again.