Honestly Honest
September 30, 2011
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Are you honest with the people you work with?
Or maybe the question is why not?
We build and work ourselves up over not being able to be honest with people. It causes so much stress in our lives. The build-up can lead to resentment and anger. You dwell so much on what you THINK is real and not what ACTUALLY is real. Then after some time you are single-handedly responsible for the chaos you have created in your mind.
Honesty is being a team player. Teams don't have enough time for you to act fake and lead everyone down rabbit holes that end up being false. Members of your team deserve the truth because you are just as much a part of a sinking ship if you didn't say anything before it goes down.
I've experienced so much freedom from being honest with people. (Other than not being fully honest about my identity here.) Believe me, it's an everyday challenge. But trust me, the moment you can leave a conversation with everything on the table and nothing left unsaid is a great feeling.
Leave behind whatever agenda you have. Leave behind your ego. Leave behind your selfish ambitions and just be honest.
I hope you experience or give honesty today. Your environment and the world around you becomes a better place when you do.