School Days!
August 13, 2011
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Um, yeah, where did the summer go? Kids around the country are going back to school already.
Are summer breaks getting shorter than when I was a kid? Or is time just moving faster as I get older? Or both?
I mean, it seems like kids just got out of school, and now all the school supply giveaways are happening and pictures of kindergarteners getting on the bus are hitting Facebook.
Remember those first days back at school and all the questions of "how was your summer" and the first week essays of "What I did this summer"?
We don't really ask those questions as adults, do we? Should we? And think about it from a professional angle.
So, how was your summer? What did you do this summer?
How did you spend time with your regular listeners and their families that were home together for the summer?
How did you spend time with families on vacation, new to your city?
What did you do encourage community through your station this summer?
How did you get them ready for the new school year? Giveaways, promotions, back-to-school events or concerts?
I'll wait a second while you make notes.
So, how was it? A summer to be proud of? A summer to forget? Any triumphs or success stories to share?
It seems like in the summer you might have a more captive audience. Families taking road trips, people hanging out at the lake, pool parties in the backyard, all opportunities to give people some worthwhile on the radio. How did you do? Do you put any extra effort into it or account for some possible different listening habits?
And now with fall here, we have mornings getting ready for the bus and more car pool lines. Are you ready for the next season?