Lead or Get Out of the Way
April 18, 2008
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As members of the music workforce, we really have one of three choices:
we will either choose to be a leader, a follower or HOPEFULLY we will get out of the way.
Leader: Someone who can get people to follow voluntarily.
Leader: Someone who can affect human behavior and accomplish the mission he or she designates.
Everyone, everywhere at some time or another has aspired to be "the leader." It's exciting to be the locomotive. Not so much the caboose. And don't even mention those cattle cars in between.
But being the leader is about a LOT more than possessing the strongest arm on the gridiron. It's about mental savvy, never-say-die spirit, energizing vision and uncompromising character.
Some men and women are called to be leaders. They are set apart in all shapes and colors. And no matter where they are, what they do or who they serve, one fact remains constant: they need good followers.
It's an art to be a competent #2 man. And not everyone can do it.
But a leader can.
For in order to be a good leader, he must first be a good follower. He will possess a heart of service. He will see things that need to be done before he is told. He will be loyal, yet hw will also challenge his leader to be accountable. And in some instances, he may be more gifted than his leader.
You see, the best leader isn't always the most gifted person in the room. But the leaders are the ones who surround themselves with spectacular talent.
They beam in pride for their well respected fellow patriots. They are constantly lifting up those around them and calling attention to the jobs well done. They are confident enough in their own skin to let the talent around them shine. And their followers look forward to charging the hill with them again tomorrow.
There is a radio station somewhere between the Atlantic and Pacific that is "leadership challenged" at this very moment.
The leader wants to be the one seen as the "face of the station." But one by one followers have risen to the top in the mind of the industry and have "stolen his thunder."
So that leader is protecting his turf, and chipping away at the confidence of his followers by backhanded comments. He is searching for every tiny mistake in an effort to prove that the follower is not perfect. He is strangely silent during victory and obnoxiously loud during defeat. He has chased away many. And there will probably be more.
It's said that the FOLLOWER must learn how to follow or realize they need get out of the way.
But I submit to you that there is a greater problem. It's not the follower. It's the leader.
The LEADER who can't or won't get out of the way. The leader who can't or won't let his gifted people do their jobs.
How many good people do we have to lose?
Help me to be a leader inspiring superstars. Instead of a superstar encouraging stooges. Help me to lead and to be thrilled to get out of the way!