What Would You Say?
July 25, 2008
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
Imagine that you are at work. (It's not hard, if you try.) It's just another day at the office. You've been listening to new music and dividing CDs into stacks. One for possible adds, the other for potential coasters and Frisbees. You've written a few promos, had a meeting with your GM over lunch and even managed to work through an ego-grab deal with one of your Superstars.
Now you're in the middle of your air shift. All is going according to plan until the Emergency Broadcast System interrupts your show. The voice you hear could be from several sources: Emergency Management, Law Enforcement or National Security. Maybe even Jack Bauer!
But WHO is not as important as WHAT. WHAT they say will rock your world and make other details inconsequential. The unthinkable has happened. Nuclear warheads are en route to your area. They have done everything they can to thwart the attack but have been unsuccessful. Total destruction is virtually assured for your listening area and you have approximately 10 minutes before impact. You are no longer preparing for your "This Day in History" feature. You are now focused on THIS day in history.
There are 55 seconds remaining until the end of the current song. What would you do? What would you say? Less than a minute to gather your thoughts in preparation for what is most likely the most stressful 10 minutes of your life.
How would you frame your next stopset: from song outro to imaging to information to exit point. What would you say and why? What would make up the final nine minutes of your broadcast? What would you do? What would you say?
Send your response to bullypulpit.allaccess@gmail.com and it may be used in an upcoming article.