Be Free!
July 1, 2011
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
First of all, I have to ask: Where is 2011 going? It's July already?!?!
May I be the first to wish you a happy Independence Day! Don't forget to celebrate, relax and thank God for our country and our freedom! America truly is a great country.
Now, onto what I've been thinking about this week.
We're hearing about the coming of Google+, this new social network from Google. Right now you need an invitation to try it out but soon the rest of us will be able to check it out.
I'm trying to decide right now if this is something I'm going to get involved in. How about you?
I feel like with Facebook and Twitter and my own work and websites that I have enough consuming my time online. Can I afford one more? Do I want to?
I do a little bit. Because I don't want to be left out if Google+ turns out to be a success. But I don't because if it turns out to be so-so and doesn't catch on, then I've wasted time getting involved when I already have too much going on.
Maybe I need to minimize online involvement overall. Set myself free from some of this stuff. But I feel like I have to be involved in all of these for my day job.
Are you guys facing similar questions? We keep promoting social media involvement to be where our listeners are. But at the same time we spend A LOT of time in those social media worlds. Where do we draw the line? When do we turn it off? I've seen some friends taking time off from Facebook: "See you guys in a month!" And I wish I could do that but because I use it for work, too, I find it hard to separate personal from business.
Maybe I'll try it in baby steps this weekend. To celebrate Independence Day. Set myself free from social media and see how I feel when I return to the office on Tuesday. See you then!