Go Local!
October 31, 2008
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
To piggyback on what was said last week, to "plan for the future," may I suggest a mode of operation? If our goal is to evoke emotion (happy, sad, etc.) in our audience so that they'll remember us, I am starting to see more and more that a well-run, well-promoted local station could be just the ticket.
Please don't take this wrong. God can and does use the big dog mega networks in Christian radio. Those mega networks reach more people in one 15-minute sweep than a little station in Pocatello, Idaho, could reach in a year.
My question is: how deep is that reach, and without amazing content coming between the songs, how long until the mega networks are simply not the best option for someone driving home?
The handful of truly local CCM stations appears to be on the right safety raft! The networks do not have the ability on a monthly basis to find ways to feed the hungry, care for orphans and widows, or love on the homeless in a creative/tangible/relevant and, most importantly, a LOCAL way!
That connection with the audience can be more powerful than blood. Especially around Sharathon time, if they are reminded about all the heart-warming acts of love "their" station was involved in since the last Sharathon. A good copywriter, great voice, couple different twists and a good production guy and you have three weeks worth of pre-Sharathon imaging that reminds your local audience that this station is in the heart of the community and this station is important to this town!
IN 2008, SOON TO BE 2009, NO ONE LIKES FRAUDS. They can spot them. The beauty of "compelling" on the radio followed by the ability to go serve in town followed by the listener watching you serve in their town is loyalty forever. (Until you go to far talking about trick-or-treating this week -- and then loyalty is gone. Just kidding!)