Don't Forget the Backyard!
November 7, 2008
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Last week I went on a slight tangent, or so I felt. Maybe I was setting myself up for this week without knowing it.
But I want to ask the question: how well is the local Christian station facilitating service to its community? And for that matter, how well is the local church facilitating service and change in the community? And for that matter, how well are radio and churches combining their forces? As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, the chances for sharing and for serving "those who are less fortunate" abound.
We as Christians become very aware of community service and giving around these end-of-year holidays. I hear about stations doing "t-shirts for Turkeys" and organizing "Toys for Tots" campaigns. That's all well and good - though aren't some our mainstream counterparts doing the same?
We need to make sure as the church, as the community that Christian radio represents, that we're doing this year-round. And that's not to say that stations like "t-shirts for Turkeys" are not doing that - they are! But people like to wear t-shirts in the summertime, too!
Look around, Christian radio. Are you coordinating on-going efforts with area churches or looking for new opportunities to serve the widows and the orphans within your reach? Or are you simply holding holiday campaigns to collect canned goods and coats? Are you walking daily alongside the needy in your community or simply holding adopt-a-thons for child sponsorship? (Now I gladly sponsor a child in Tanzania but it's easy to write a check every month; it's more difficult to look a lonely child in the eyes.)
So, don't forget your backyard. And don't forget that you have an "Army" of people tuning in that need to be reminded that it is their job to serve.