The Letter
January 29, 2016
The Joy Of Semi-ObsolescenceThis week, I'm going to try and tie together FM translators, AM "revitalization," cars, and the inevitability of obsolescence. This should be interesting. All right, then, so, much of my work week was spent tracking down what seemed like an infinite number of sales of ...
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January 22, 2016
State of EmergencyYou know what to do by now. I'm speaking, of course, about emergencies. As I write this, the mid-Atlantic states are bracing for Winter Storm Whatever Arbitrary Unofficial Name Someone Gave It, with snow of up to, like, 700 feet deep expected. I've checked with some of ...
January 15, 2016
Embracing The FluffThis week, amidst all the Powerball frenzy and the Rams' move back to L.A., a few brave souls stood athwart history yelling stop (and that's the last William F. Buckley allusion I'll make today), taking to social media and comment threads insisting that any news ...
January 8, 2016
About Usabilityt's time for my annual column from CES, so, naturally, I'm going to start it out with something that happened to me almost a month ago. I bought a car. I'd been driving an old, old car, and it was on its last legs, or wheels, I suppose. I got tired of duct-taping the ...
December 4, 2015
Final Episode Of The SeasonThe year in radio is ending the way it began: uncertainty, financial instability, the promise of growth with new technology tempered with the understanding that it isn't generating enough revenue quite yet. Sure, some of the names have changed, but we're where we were, ...
November 20, 2015
La Radio Digitale TerrestreOkay, I'm back. Anything happen while I was gone? Didn't think so. The thing about vacations is, you're supposed to totally disconnect from work. These last few weeks, I did try to do exactly that. It was, after all, a slightly belated 25th anniversary celebration ...
October 30, 2015
So You Think You're Getting Fired!It's coming up on the Most Wonderful Time of the Year already, and, yes, I mean that time of year when we all experience the real meaning of life, which is, of course, "we're going to have to let you go." Budget time is a time for thanks (for all your years of loyal ...
October 23, 2015
A Toast To RadioIt's early. You stagger into the kitchen, trying to shake the sleep out of your head. You slap some Fancy Feast in a bowl and set it down for the cat, you get the coffee going, you grab a couple of slices of store-brand whole grain bread and... Okay, what's missing ...
October 16, 2015
Honesty Is The Best, Er, FormatBefore we get started here, and in case you missed the announcement, we've started a Podcasting section at AllAccess.com. It'll include news and columns to start and more resources to come, so go to AllAccess.com/podcasts, why dontcha. Also, I have another column there, ...
October 9, 2015
Peak Audio, or 25/7Call it the Twizzler effect. You eat one Twizzler and it's good. You eat a second, and it's also good. You then proceed to eat an entire Costco-sized bag of Twizzlers and end up groaning on the couch.v This is what it feels like to try and keep up with the incredible ...