The Letter
April 29, 2016
Yet Another What-Comes-Next ColumnWhat will the next generation of talk radio be like? Hmm. Well, it might not be radio. It might not even be "talk," in the traditional sense. Some of it may be happening now. Little of it is happening on actual broadcast radio... unless it is. How's that for a ...
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April 22, 2016
Punch A Higher FloorThe answer I found to how radio can still be relevant going forward did not come at the NAB Show, where what's left of the convention's interest in radio has shrunk to postage-stamp size and consists mostly of people in suits repeating the phrase "93% reach" plus ...
April 8, 2016
Brand XLet's pick up where I left off last week. I asked at the end of that column what you would have done had you been given the opportunity to "save" KGO/San Francisco had you been able to go back in time and be there at the onset of symptoms, and I thought the challenge was ...
April 1, 2016
As Goes KGO...Amidst all the drama surrounding what was obviously the biggest news of the week in talk radio -- the KGO changes -- let's see if we can learn a few things from the decline and fall, because I've seen a lot of people weighing in, but there's been something, well, ...
March 25, 2016
Whatever You Want To BeThere's a little media war going on in Cincinnati over which some folks in the newspaper industry are getting very upset. A little while back, a local TV station decided to put its website behind a paywall, and went out and hired an expanded staff to bulk up its content, ...
March 18, 2016
Anger Is An EnergyLet's clear up a longstanding misperception about talk radio that I think misdirects programmers and hosts. Yes, there is such a thing as "political talk radio" and there is such a thing as "lifestyle talk radio," but the line between them is not as clear as those terms ...
March 11, 2016
It’s Not (Entirely) About YouFirst, I suppose I should tell you what happened to last week's column. There WAS a column, but you'll never read it. That's because after I wrote it, I took a moment, re-read it, and decided to delete it, because it was... oh, let's call it "slightly too harsh," in the ...
February 26, 2016
Why Don’t You Say Something Nice For A Change?Hey, Program Directors! Wait, are there still any PDs in the business? Yeah, I think there are a few. If you're one of them, I want to offer a tip that I think helped me when I was still programming, and I was reminded about it last week when I was stuck for a topic ...
February 19, 2016
Free Trade Organic Craft RadioHave you tried Caleb's Kola yet? It's cola with fair trade ingredients, made in batches with cane sugar by craftspeople who lovingly balance just the right amount of carbonation with.... Oh, come on, who are we kidding? It's Pepsi, or at least it's Pepsi's version of a ...
February 12, 2016
Adult EducationThe thing is, we're all thinking in too narrow a manner. We do it in all facets of life. We think in terms of our specific job. We think in terms of our hometown, our favorite team, our political "side." Everything gets filtered, and that's natural, but it colors how ...