The Letter
October 13, 2017
The Future We WantLast weekend, I attended what may or may not be the last Los Angeles Podcast Festival, better known as L.A. Podfest, one of the earliest if not THE earliest in what is now a worldwide glut of podcast festivals. So this'll be about podcasting, again, and before I get into ...
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October 6, 2017
The People’s ChoiceAbout two years ago, Target decided to take 18 of its stores and try a radical concept, and by "radical" I mean they replaced their standard hot-dog-and-Pizza Hut snack bars with a chain of "healthy" food spots. Instead of the aroma of popcorn as patrons entered those ...
September 22, 2017
Heard That Song BeforeHow predictable are you? In asking that, I will stipulate that the question can cut two ways: one person's predictability is another's consistency. I ask the question in the spirit of examining whether talk radio is superserving its core constituency or short-changing ...
September 15, 2017
Yet Another Modest Proposal, or One For AllIt was inevitable that, as happens after or even during most disastrous major news stories, the hurricanes would be used for political purposes. Harvey and Irma were no different; the ground has yet to dry and Irma is being used to push a particular agenda... Climate ...
September 8, 2017
Looking For ‘Upbeat'Even before the Radio Show 2017 wrapped up in Austin this week, I was hearing what I was told was the "consensus" about the show. "So," more than one person told me, "I hear it was 'upbeat.'" I heard that from people at the show, from people who weren't at the show... I ...
September 1, 2017
The Movement AbidesConvention takeaways are an interesting thing. I try not to make lists of takeaways from conventions, because a) most radio conventions don't really generate that kind of reaction, b) everyone else is doing it, and c) what you take away from an event often depends on ...
August 25, 2017
Live, Local, Late-BreakingThis week, I've been at Podcast Movement 2017 in Anaheim, which means that I'm naturally going to talk about something podcasts can't do. First, let's get this out of the way: I've started a podcast, it's called "The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon," it's a ...
August 18, 2017
The Unavoidable TruthAnother media company has announced that it is executing the "pivot to video," and examining the explanations for why they've decided to dump the written (or posted) word is interesting, since what they're saying doesn't quite sync with reality. There's a lesson for talk ...
August 11, 2017
Essentially YouWho's your target audience? You know who it is, right? Down to the smallest detail, I'll bet. Who is it, a 45-year-old middle-management white male living in the near-suburban ring, married, two kids, one in middle school and the other in high school, drives a Taurus, ...
August 4, 2017
The New New Talk RadioRemember way back when everyone was saying that social media was the new talk radio? You can forget that. Now, YouTube is the new talk radio, anointed as such by The New York Times in this coming Sunday's magazine section, which focuses on how the alt-right -- the ...