The Letter
June 24, 2011
Learning (Sort Of) From FacebookWhat do people like to talk about? I was talking about this with Johnny Wendell, who does weekends on KTLK in L.A. and a podcast for the San Francisco Bay Guardian, because he'd noticed something about the response he gets from posting comments on Facebook. When he ...
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June 17, 2011
Forward Into The PastHere's a question for you salespeople out there: If you're told you have to sell something that you know isn't going to work for a client, how's that going to go? Even if you sell the product, you know you'll leave an unhappy customer. And that's why you won't do that ...
June 10, 2011
Get On My Lawn!I'm at another convention, this one the "New Media Seminar," which is, naturally, a talk radio conference, because "new media" means what you want it to mean. (I want it to mean "free beer.") As I write this, it hasn't started yet, so I was looking over the agenda. ...
June 3, 2011
Your All-Request ColumnTalk radio generally doesn't take requests. Not that music radio traditionally did, either. You know the drill: take the request, tell them it's coming right up, then play whatever's already in the log. Chances are they're only requesting stuff you play all the time ...
May 27, 2011
Talk Radio's Judgment WeekOnce again, we come to the eve of a three-day weekend and I have to write a column even though I'm guessing your brain's out barbecuing or enjoying the beach. So we'll keep it short, because that's your attention span at the moment and because my brain's in the other ...
May 20, 2011
The Unspeakable TruthWe often speak of "making good talk radio." We discuss who's doing "good talk radio." I've asked interview subjects what they think goes into a "good talk radio" show. But it struck me the other day that nobody ever actually defines "good talk radio." Maybe that's ...
May 13, 2011
It’s Kind Of A Funny Story...The other day, I was listening to a podcast that a couple of friends of mine do, and it reminded me of the problem of determining what's funny for radio and... well, let me digress here for a minute. It has been my privilege over the years to work with some very ...
May 6, 2011
Trust, But VerifyBefore we get started, here's one last plug for Saturday's Revlon Run/Walk for Women in Los Angeles, in which my wife and I walk to raise money for research and treatment of women's cancer. This is our fifth time doing the walk, and it also marks Fran's fifth year of ...
April 29, 2011
Don't Do NothingI was sitting here Thursday night, as usual having no idea for a topic, when I noticed an e-mail from the NAB about broadcasters' community service initiatives, and I had a flashback to years of going to NAB conventions and countless Crystal Awards shows and charity ...
April 22, 2011
Want It, Need It, Gotta Have ItAre you necessary? I thought about that question as it pertains to radio while considering all the stuff about FM tuners in cell phones for the last couple of weeks, and I won't belabor that point (I belabored it plenty last week) except to note that the industry is ...