The Letter
March 2, 2012
Despite It AllWhy do you do this? Radio, I mean. What makes you want to be in this business, anyway? Okay, so I'm in a bad mood this week. But there were several moments when I found myself sort of despairing about the state of the industry and where things are going. There's the ...
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February 24, 2012
Are You Havin' A Laugh?Election years are great for talk radio, for obvious reasons, and most of America's talk stations will try to take advantage of that by focusing their content on the horse race, on the wonky machinations of the political system, on the polls and the gotchas and the ...
February 17, 2012
Spontaneous CombustionThis column is going to touch on some of the same things I discussed in last week's column, but from a different angle, so forgive any redundancies, okay? Okay. Let's try something for a moment. Go find someone -- anyone -- who has some free time on his or her hands. ...
February 10, 2012
Anyone Got Your Back?One of the most important things a talk show host can have is something that's not always available. Worse, you don't know if you have it until you need it, and if it's not there, it's too late. It's support from management. Total, unwavering support. Management that ...
February 3, 2012
Questionable RadioThe annual Week Of Interviews With People Who Have Nothing To Say is almost over. I'm referring here, of course, to the buildup to the Super Bowl, and the Radio Row stuff that it seems every sports station and network does. Sometimes, you get good radio out of that. ...
January 27, 2012
On A Wavelength Far From HomeSo much of what radio does is governed by ratings that I thought a little perspective was in order. Even though we've discussed here how advertisers are increasingly looking to paying on the basis of actual product sales, responses, or clicks, audience shares are still ...
January 20, 2012
Tools of EngagementA few scattered thoughts this week: -One leftover thing from CES is how the ad agency people in attendance kept talking about engagement. They were talking about how to measure the effectiveness of new media campaigns, and it all came down to looking for engagement with ...
January 13, 2012
Connected Cars, Cold Beer, and Redefining RadioYour future was on display at the International CES convention in Las Vegas this week, but it had little to do with any of the specific gadgets being touted. Those were a little underwhelming. Other than a prototype 8K ultra-ultra-high definition 85-inch TV being shown ...
January 6, 2012
Digital DiscontentWhile I was spending the last couple of weeks in a fruitless attempt to disengage from work and radio and business -- I have to face the fact that I'm incapable of really relaxing -- I thought a lot about the future of media, and radio in particular. It's been a trope of ...
December 2, 2011
About This Year....Last year at this time, I wrote a "last column of the year" piece in which I voiced what I hoped we'd see in 2011. How'd we do? Let's check: Back then, I said, "I think we'll see more podcasts start to generate revenue." That's happened -- I'm hearing a few more major ...