The Letter
March 7, 2014
The Creativity GapLast week, Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman ventured across the East River to Brooklyn for one of those faux-interview presentations you see at every conference where someone -- in this case, the President of the Berlin School of Creative Leadership -- tosses softballs and ...
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February 28, 2014
Their Way Or The HighwayWe've talked a lot in recent years about how radio, like other content producers, needs to put its wares out there in every form consumers want it, and how younger audiences are increasingly expecting to be able to access content where they want it, when they want it, ...
February 21, 2014
We’re Gonna Need A Bigger BoatThis was going to be a very different column before I had the epiphany. Hang on a second and I'll get to that. So, I was listening to the Radio Stuff Podcast, and Larry Gifford was interviewing the Southern California Broadcasters Association's Thom Callahan, who was ...
February 14, 2014
Kabletown and YouIt's not apparent that the Comcast-Time Warner Cable deal is a radio story at first blush, because it isn't. While I wrote an analysis of the massive cable TV transaction on Thursday for Nerdist (you can read that here), though, some things became apparent to me about ...
February 7, 2014
From the Back Row at Boot CampOh, that's right. Friday. I have to write a column. Almost forgot. I almost forgot because I'm at another talk radio conference, this one the annual Talk Show Boot Camp in Dallas, a city which is doing its best Polar Vortex impression, ensuring that I won't be ...
January 31, 2014
Her And YouI swear, I was on my way to this column when I got unavoidably sidetracked. Seriously, I was ready to sit down and bloviate about... er, pontificate on... can we call it "wax poetic?" Whatever it is that I do here, I was about to do it when I got a call from my wife and ...
January 24, 2014
Clean SlateSay you could start over. Let's try it this way: Radio as we know it is gone, but the technology is as it exists now. You have Internet streaming, towers and transmitters, all that is as it stands now, but the programming is an empty set. They hand you the keys and ...
If there's a saving grace for radio in the avalanche of competition that has left it with practically no response other than to look for another 5% to cut from the budget, it's that a lot of other people are as in the dark about the future as radio management is. I was ...
January 10, 2014
Don't Look BackOn this week's episode of Leo Laporte's "This Week in Tech," panelist Brian Brushwood asked an interesting question: if you could be 20 years younger right now but in the bargain give up the past 20 years of technological development, would you do it? You'd be younger ...
December 6, 2013
Reasons to be Cheerful (Part 2013)Last column of the year? Yes, and that means the annual Talk Radio Year in Review! Here's the Talk Radio Year in Review for 2013: Ratings dropped but rebounded just a little near the end. Some hosts said controversial stuff; some were fired, some weren't, some ...